2013年1月30日 星期三

Motivating Yourself And Micro Planning Your Online Small Business In Busy Times - Business - Small Business

Can someone build a successful online small business while still holding a full-time job and playing a main role within one's family?

I think it is possible, but you need to be highly motivated and highly focused on your online small business in your limited periods of free time. You also need to determine what tasks you are aiming to accomplish for your business every single day.

In order to stay motivated and focused you will have to spend time on motivational and long-term business building planning activities.

It will also be important that you keep your business running during busy periods, so doing some micro-planning on a day-to-day basis will be essential. Let's look at this in more detail:

1. Business Motivation And Long-Term Planning.

Maintaining enthusiasm will help you if you know why you are building your online small business. Your reasoning should be more than just to make some extra money. This is about setting down and writing on paper a huge goal of yours that is both definite and inspiring.

Napoleon Hill called it, "a keen pulsating DESIRE" which is DEFINITE and which "transcends everything else."

Whatever motivates you, write it down and review it every day. Obsession is a good thing in this case. Get in a habit of obsessing over your definite and transcendent desire. This will feed your motivation to move your business forward even during a busy week because your business is what is going to get you where you want to go in terms of achieving your definite desire.

Along with writing your definite aim, write your long and medium-term goals you have for your online small business. Goals could include financial goals, how many customers you want to bring into your business every week, and so on. These longer, medium-term business goals will give you some direction to better channel your motivation towards a clear path.

2. Micro-Planning To Maintain Momentum.

Common problems people face when trying to juggle business ventures with other commitments is time management. Good time management comes down to short-term micro-planning. Micro-planning is all about making good use of the free time and dead time periods of your week.

To make proper use of these periods, you must take into account the amount of time you will have to work on your online small business, how energetic or tired you wii be during those periods and the most suitable task that you can do in the time-frame that you have. It is a good idea not to plan too far ahead, and certainly no more than 36 to 48 hours ahead of where you are now so that you can more accurately predict how you are likely to feel and how likely your schedule is to change.

Your micro-planning will also be much more effective if you draw up a list of different types of tasks that can be done in different time periods and on different energy levels. It is a good idea to separate out tasks that require a lot of creative energy, such as article writing, website building, sales page content creation and so on. Set those aside for those days when you have a lot of energy and enough free time to tackle them. Put those high energy tasks into one list.

Now draw up a second list of low input tasks that can be done in short periods of time and do not require much energy. We are talking about tasks like posting comments on forums and blogs, responding to customer enquiries by e-mail, surfing traffic exchanges for credits, posting classified ads, promoting your website via social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

When it comes to micro-planning the next day or two of your life, look out for the available slots, think about how you are likely to be feeling, and allocate one or two tasks from either your high-energy or a low-energy list depending on the circumstances.

You will have a much better chance of keeping your online small business moving forward while still maintaining a full-time job and giving family commitments your full attention if you keep these tips in mind.

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