Registering a trademark is a big deal for businesses. It means you have a business that is growing and that you are proud of. There is no law that says you have to register your trademark, but it is a good idea. It will prevent your competitors from stealing your name and logo. If you don't do a trademark registration another company could and with the name take your business away. There is a good chance that your customers could follow your name to another company. This is something best left avoided. You don't want to have to worry about trademark infringement. This is something else that is possible if you don't register your trademark.
To register your trademark you will have to contact the Intellectual Property Office. They have an internet site where you can fill out and pay for trademark registration. Depending on the method used will decide the price. There is a way to pay in two payments or you can save money and pay all at once. You will have to fill out information about your business. You will have to tell them what type of business you have. All trademarks are classified and in order to classify your business correctly the Intellectual Property Office will have to have certain information.
After you do the paperwork and your registration is complete, the IPO will publish your trademark in a journal. This journal is published weekly and will list all of the new trademarks in it. It is then up to the other businesses in your classification to oppose the trademark. If another company feels the name is too close to their own, that it infringes on their name they can oppose the trademark. They have two months in order to oppose. If no one opposes the trademark it becomes your property. No one is allowed to use it without your permission.
Not all trademarks will be accepted. There are rules that apply. The trademark must be distinctive. They cannot show the location, quantity, quality, value or purpose of the products or service of your business. They cannot be protected emblems or be offensive in any manner. No profanity is allowed or pornographic materials in them. They cannot be illegal like the name of illegal drugs. They cannot be deceptive or misleading.
A trademark is the property of a business. It could be a name or a logo. It could be both. It will distinguish your business from that of your competitors. If you have a business and you want it to be known you should have a trademark. There are many businesses that are actually famous for their trademarks. They are commonplace now. Your trademark could be the same way.
If someone uses your trademark without your permission you have the right to bring a lawsuit against them. If your trademark is registered you stand a better chance of protecting it than an unregistered one. You won't have to worry about someone using your good name if your trademark is registered. Give your business everything it needs to succeed by doing a trademark registration.
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