Comprehensive trademark research consists of several layers:
The hardest matter to determine is what's going to be a potential problem for you and what isn't. Once that is ascertained, further research into the company or companies is needed.
First, let's discuss the difference between conflicts and strong similarities.
What is a Conflict?Determining a conflict is very simple - it's any mark that is EXACTLY like yours. If the name AND the goods/services are EXACTLY the same, then it's a Conflict.
What is a Strong Similarity?These are harder to determine and require analysis. A Strong Similarity is a name that is similar enough in Sound, Appearance or Meaning to be confusingly similar to the average consumer. Here are some examples to aid you:
Naturally, there will be exceptions to every situation. For instance, similar trademarks (in name and goods/services) can coexist peacefully if both parties are comfortable with one another's existence. This can happen if trade areas do not cross (e.g. located on opposite coasts), if they appeal to different consumers (e.g. one sells to private industry while the other sells to the general public), etc.
Two important notes:
1) It's crucial that comprehensive research be conducted in order to decide if the name is truly available or not. Free preliminary sites found on the web are a great place to start but please be aware that this is merely scratching the surface of what's out there.
2) Determining what is a conflict or a strong similarity requires experience and it is very easy to over or under-react to marks you've found. If you're vacillating about any marks, contact a trademark research firm or an attorney for further consultation.
Now, once those similar marks have been found and determined, the next step is to check into them to determine whether or not there would be a likelihood of confusion between the two companies when used in commerce.
How to get started with your competitive check:
Specific questions to ask:
It is best to not let on who you are - simply act like an interested consumer.
Once you've checked the status of the application & contacted the companies directly, the next step is to discuss the findings with a trademark attorney. S/he will assist you in determining your next steps.
* No claim is made to the ownership, knowledge or liability of the above personal and/or company names. The above examples are merely for informational purposes and should only be seen as such.
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